Silence is Golden (And What People Listen To)

10 Mar

Today, we’re getting together again with our expat friends who we’d meet soon after arriving in Buenos Aires. I’m excited, because it’s been awhile since we’ve all gotten together.

Learning that I’d be hanging out with our gypsy-footed Darling friends I annoyingly proclaimed, “You’re alive!” Then the Danger Darling explained that the two of them have been transitioning from the early vacation life in Buenos Aires to the reality of daily life here.

I concur wholeheartedly. And that’s why we’ve been silent on the blog since our recent move. We’ve been going through the same transition as the Darlings and find ourselves investing our energies in work, exercise, chores, and eating. You know, normal life.

Maggie and I are both working full-time. Her regular teaching gig from 10am to 2pm at the institute is an enjoyable, consistent presence and her mobile, sometimes unpredictable, better paying private tutoring world keeps her moving around from the hours of 2pm to 8pm most days. My work has blossomed so much that some days taking a shower sounds like a waste of time.

It’s all been great fun and helpful in keeping food on our plate; it just hasn’t left us with the energy to write about our experiences. So disgruntled readers of our world famous blog, just know that the silence from us means everything is golden. We’re working more now than playing, but the playing will return this afternoon at the polo fields.

If you’re left unsatisfied and want some Buenos Aires culture, here’s a cool video that shows what Porteños (that’s Buenos Aires city folk) listen to while walking the streets. The video also gives you a good look at the pace of the streets here. Enjoy!

2 Responses to “Silence is Golden (And What People Listen To)”

  1. K March 10, 2012 at 4:16 pm #

    Glad to hear all is going so well… that was fun to watch… thanks for sharing!

  2. D Soyk March 10, 2012 at 6:02 pm #

    Gotta Love the Diversity! Glad life is golden for you, Stephen & Maggie!
    You are missed.

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